I have been sitting back and reflecting on this year. It has been a series of highs and lows. There were a least 4 incidents that took my breath away and some that just made me sit still and just listen for God to tell me something. I was literally speechless. Had nothing to say and had no words to give. I felt exhausted and depleted of my energy at times. I felt alone. I felt lonely. I felt misunderstood. I felt judged. I felt betrayed. I felt neglected. I felt unappreciated. I loved too hard and I didn't love enough. People who I thought had my back, let me fall. People who I didn't know showed up and stepped up to the plate. I sat, I cried. I sat some more and I cried some more. I laid down. I went for walks. I went for drives. All the while, talking to God and telling Him all about it. Didn't really have to tell Him because He knows all, He is everywhere and He has all power. But I like to talk to Him. It makes me feel better . And when I can't talk, I like to write it down on paper and let Him read all about it. And then there's those private thoughts that I don't share with anyone. The ones that only He and I know about. The desires of my heart. Sometimes when I'm not looking, He shows me that He's listening. He'll do something to let me know that He hears me and that He loves me. It's usually when I am feeling neglected or unappreciated. But through the highs and lows, God has been my leaning post. He's been my source of comfort. He's been my strength and my peace. My all and all.
I have learned a lot this year. So, I don't have time for the crazy. Not eating anymore emotional poison or listening to anymore negative tapes either. Spending my time loving myself, my family and my friends. Trying to work on being the woman God would have me to be. It's a process, so if I mess up or don't act the way you think I should, please don't judge me. Ask me if I need help or if you can genuinely be of assistance to my growth. I'm looking for authenticity. If you don't genuinely care about me it's okay but please just leave me alone. It's okay if we are not friends. I don't need to be friends with everybody. I want to surround myself with loving and caring people. I only want to be in relationships with people who want to be in relationship with me. Plus, I'm silly. If you can't handle my silliness and share a genuine, gut busting laugh that's fine. I'll keeping being me and make it do what it do, baby!!
Yes, a year of highs and lows. Blessings. Grace. Mercy. Thankful for it all. The good, the bad, the highs and the lows.
Writes, produces and directs inspirational and gospel plays. Started in the Capital District in 2005 with the first play, "For Church Girls: Do You Know Who Your Real Daddy Is'? Second play presented was 'No Earthly Good" in 2010 and the upcoming drama "Does Your House Have Lions" for 2011 and For late 2011 or early 2012, "So you Call Yourself A Man of God"?

Thursday, December 15, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
I've been asked to be apart of production
I was asked to be apart of production at Ebenezer Baptist Church here in Albany. The director is taking the 9 fruit of the spirit and she wants to have 9 brides and 9 groomsmen. Now, I really should not be taking this on since I am working on my own production for my church. But I was curious about it so I asked her which fruit of the spirit she wanted me speak on. I figured that she would want me speak on meekness or long-suffering. But she told me she wanted me to speak on love. I had to do a chuckle when she said it. I've been studying 1 Corinthians 13 since February and it has been kicking my butt!! I consider myself quite loving but there are times when people can challenge you and push you beyond the brink of being lovable. I spent two months on love is patient!! I just was having problems being patient. Anyway, I had to chuckle and look up at God and say, "So you've got jokes God". Okay, I see you. So, with that I knew that God was trying to tell me something. He really wants me to study love but from His perspective of what love means. God is love and He is the best and perfect example of how we are supposed to love one another. So, I am writing about love and trying to understand how I can become more loving to my family, to my friends and to my church family. Looking with loving eyes on how I can be a blessing to others and how I can show God's love through me. praying and hoping with a holy expectancy that I will be loved the way that I deserve to be loved. So looking forward to spending my life loving someone and having them love me back with all their heart, mind and soul.
I'm nervous about it but I have committed to
the project. I truly believe that God wants me to do this. So, if anyone is reading this please pray for me.
Proverbs 17:9 He who covers and forgives an offense seeks love, but he who repeats or harps on a matter separates even close friends.
I'm nervous about it but I have committed to
the project. I truly believe that God wants me to do this. So, if anyone is reading this please pray for me.
Proverbs 17:9 He who covers and forgives an offense seeks love, but he who repeats or harps on a matter separates even close friends.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
It's on and popping!
Having my last and final casting call this Saturday, July 30, 2011@ Delaware Avenue Branch of the Albany Public Library from 1:30-4:00pm. met with a fabulous young lady who is going to assist me with my advertisement for the play. And I have a new email specifically for my casting call and my play updates. I can be contacted at peytonjharrisonproductions@gmail.com. You can also read about the casting call on Craig's List as as event i the Albany, NY area. I have a meeting with my musician for the play on Thursday and a meeting today with owner of a theater troupe here in Albany who may be able to give me valuable information for my next performance and possibly actors who may be willing to perform as well.
Needless to say, this is a very exciting week for me. Rehearsals start on next Tuesday, August 2, 2011 @ 6:00pm-8:30pm. This play is very special and personal to me as I have added bits and pieces of my own life intertwined within this play. Praying that everyone who sees it will enjoy it but more importantly leave with valuable lessons to live by. Peyton J. Harrison Productions: Spiritual growth through theater.
Miracles and blessings to you all,
Needless to say, this is a very exciting week for me. Rehearsals start on next Tuesday, August 2, 2011 @ 6:00pm-8:30pm. This play is very special and personal to me as I have added bits and pieces of my own life intertwined within this play. Praying that everyone who sees it will enjoy it but more importantly leave with valuable lessons to live by. Peyton J. Harrison Productions: Spiritual growth through theater.
Miracles and blessings to you all,
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
On a journey
Still working on this weightloss and health journey I am still on my journey. My clothes are getting looser and looser. I had on skirt fall off of me and I have a vew more that very soon will no longer fit(right now my stomach is holding them up. I've got to do more crunches). But I have been on a mission to consciously think about what I eat. I make time to prepare my lunch and dinner and breakfast. I slip up some days but for the most part I make a conscious effort to eat healthier. I bought a pair of walking sneakers and I have been walking. The weather has been so beautiful that I just can't resist being outside. I usually walk between 7:00pm and 9:00pm. It's usually cooler and it's a great way to end my day. Yesterday, I challenged myself: I decided that I was going to try and walk around the lake. I wasn't sure if I could do it. Mainly because of my asthma and because this has been a very bad allergy season for me. I'm allergic to everything outside: The trees, the grass, the pollen, the mold. So, I have been having some extra sinus pressure and balance problems, too. Been visiting my allergy doctor about it. Then of course my right knee tries to ache and stiffen up on a regular. But you know what? I have not let any of it stop me!!! If I am not feeling my best on a particular day, I rest or I turn on the air conditioner and exercise at home. I am committed to living a healthier lifestyle. I just want to be healthier. Plain and simple. Some days when my asthma is bothering me, I think about Jackie Joyner-Kersee. She was an Olympian and a heptathalon winner. A heptathlon is a series of track and field events( 100 hurdles, high jump,shot put, 200 milimeter, long jump, javelin, and 800 milimeter run). She completed this event and won and she has suffered with asthma all of her life. I was just recntly diagnosed 2 years ago, so this is new for me. But doggoneit if she can complete a heptathlon then I can walk and lift weights! Yesterday, I decided to walk around the lake. I didn't think I could do it but I did! I made it around once and then decided to walk around again. I challenged myself and I completed my challenge. Praying that by my next birthday that I will have lost 70 pounds. I pray that with God's help I can do this. But in the meantime I will continue to work on me. had another facial this month and I hope to have another one in August. Keep me in prayer as I endeavor to lose weight and lead a heathier life but also as I prepare to direct another play. Peace, love and smooches!! Peyton |
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Casting Call for the play, "Does Your House Have Lions'?
What: Casting Call for the play "Does Your House Have Lions"?
When: July 11, 2011 5:00-7:30pm and July 30, 2011 1:30-4:00pm
Where: Delaware Avenue Branch of the Albany Public Library
Contact: Peyton J. Harrison @ 518-894-4516
8 Female roles
5 Male roles
Small choir part
Stage crew
When: July 11, 2011 5:00-7:30pm and July 30, 2011 1:30-4:00pm
Where: Delaware Avenue Branch of the Albany Public Library
Contact: Peyton J. Harrison @ 518-894-4516
8 Female roles
5 Male roles
Small choir part
Stage crew
I just waana be loved
Don't feel no pity for me
Cause I'm going through a couple of things
Life means change that's the way it goes, goes.
All my life, I had a constant burning, a strong deep, desire
An aching, ambiguous
Yearning, yearning, yearning
For something better,
For something bigger,
For something wider,
For something higher
And lots of regrets
I ain't seem to found it yet.
I've been searching around the world
Never knowing what to expect.
I get sad sometimes, Yes, I be mad sometimes.
Cause I'm out here on the grind
Making mine
And I still can't seem to find what I've been looking for.
Opened so many doors.
For real yo: I just wanna be loved
I just wanna be loved
Like everybody else does
I just wanna be loved
I just wanna be loved
Cause I'm going through a couple of things
Life means change that's the way it goes, goes.
All my life, I had a constant burning, a strong deep, desire
An aching, ambiguous
Yearning, yearning, yearning
For something better,
For something bigger,
For something wider,
For something higher
And lots of regrets
I ain't seem to found it yet.
I've been searching around the world
Never knowing what to expect.
I get sad sometimes, Yes, I be mad sometimes.
Cause I'm out here on the grind
Making mine
And I still can't seem to find what I've been looking for.
Opened so many doors.
For real yo: I just wanna be loved
I just wanna be loved
Like everybody else does
I just wanna be loved
I just wanna be loved
Thursday, April 14, 2011
My Body is a Temple
I have been on a self-care journey. I joined a gym and I have been exercising and consciously watching what I eat. I actually think about what I eat and how it may be effecting my body. I make a concerted effort to make my own breakfast and lunch(no more fast food every day). Not only are my meals healthier but my pocketbook is healthier, too. Not wasting money eating out as much. So, I guess I can say that my waist isn't the only thing that I have a total body workout that one of the personal trainers created for me and I have been doing since March 15, 2011. On this Friday, I have been working out for a month and I have worked out about 16 times!! My body is sore all of the time(at least it seems that way some days) but I do see some progress. My clothes are fitting looser, my thighs look smaller and my belly looks like it went down, too. I have lost about 9lbs and I am still counting. I have a long way to go but I am committed to being strong, confident and most of all healthy. I just want to feel good. I want to be able walk up steps and not not be winded. I want to be able to walk 3, 5, 7, 10 miles and want to be able to hike, jump rope and be flexible. My first goal is to lose 20 lbs, then another 20 lbs, then another 20lbs and so on. I am also trying to carve out some pamper time, too. I had a facial in February and I am planning to have another one on April 30th, too. Hopefully, if finances get better, I will be able to carve out a massage or two in there. I have got to be committed to taking care of this temple that God gave me. I have been taking it for granted for far too long. Your health is your wealth. I have to remember that when I am working out today and I feel like I can't go any further.
Along the way, I have discovered some wonderful weight loss tools via websites that are assisting me on this journey. Check out Black Women Do Workout on Facebook, SistahStrong, the Black Girl's Guide To Weight Loss, PrayFit and SELF Drop 10 Challenge. Each of these sites are giving me the strength, motivation and stamina to keep going. There are so many days when I just want to give up and eat a big plate of macaroni and cheese with some good ole fashioned fried chicken. But for now, I cannot do that. I have to eat those foods in moderation or make a low fat version of the original and be thankful for the wisdom. So, I am on a weight loss journey as well as a spiritual journey. I am taking God with me on this journey and I believe that he is guiding me to what is right for me. I am praying before I work out and I am praying when I finish a workout. It is only His doing that enables me to finish each time. So, I will keep you posted on my progress as times goes on. I hope to get down 2 or three dress sizes by the summer. I'm even thinking about buying me a new bathing suit.
Along the way, I have discovered some wonderful weight loss tools via websites that are assisting me on this journey. Check out Black Women Do Workout on Facebook, SistahStrong, the Black Girl's Guide To Weight Loss, PrayFit and SELF Drop 10 Challenge. Each of these sites are giving me the strength, motivation and stamina to keep going. There are so many days when I just want to give up and eat a big plate of macaroni and cheese with some good ole fashioned fried chicken. But for now, I cannot do that. I have to eat those foods in moderation or make a low fat version of the original and be thankful for the wisdom. So, I am on a weight loss journey as well as a spiritual journey. I am taking God with me on this journey and I believe that he is guiding me to what is right for me. I am praying before I work out and I am praying when I finish a workout. It is only His doing that enables me to finish each time. So, I will keep you posted on my progress as times goes on. I hope to get down 2 or three dress sizes by the summer. I'm even thinking about buying me a new bathing suit.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Maya Angelou on Love
"I am grateful to have been loved,
to be loved now
and to be able to love.
Because love liberates.
It doesn't just hold- that's ego.
Love liberates.
It doesn't bind.
I love you, if you are in China,
I love you, if you are across town,
I love you, if you are in Harlem.
I love you.
I would love to be near you,
I'd love to have your arms around me,
I'd love to have your voice in my ear but that's not possible now.
But I love you. Go".
to be loved now
and to be able to love.
Because love liberates.
It doesn't just hold- that's ego.
Love liberates.
It doesn't bind.
I love you, if you are in China,
I love you, if you are across town,
I love you, if you are in Harlem.
I love you.
I would love to be near you,
I'd love to have your arms around me,
I'd love to have your voice in my ear but that's not possible now.
But I love you. Go".
Friday, March 18, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
I met with my Pastor last week and I have been given a time to perform my play. He said early October. So I am looking at the dates September 30, and October 1, 2011 and October 7, and 8, 2011. I was contemplating finding a theater to perform the new play and decided against it for now. I believe that I will try to do a 2 day event for the play instead of one night and to see how that goes over. If it goes well, then I will try a theater for my next play. The best part is that my Pastor is behind me 100% and I believe I need his support and covering at this time.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Sister-to-Sister Women's Ministry@Sweet Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church
Save the Date!!
The Sister-to-Sister Women’s Ministry presents:
Girls Night In/PMS:
Pizza, Movie and Sharing
Friday, April 15, 2011@ 6:00pm
Reverend Elgin Joseph Taylor, Sr., Pastor
Sweet Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church
Monday, March 7, 2011
Second part of my article in the Sista to Sistahs Newsletter
Here will you will find Part 2 of my article on Friendship. I hope you enjoy it.
Here will you will find Part 2 of my article on Friendship. I hope you enjoy it.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Well, I'm back. Last week was my birthday week. I turned another year older and felt blessed because of it. Thank You, Lord!! I had so many give me love verbally and in action with gifts. I was treated to a spa day with facials and massage, I had a man give me flowers and a monetary gift; I was given a beautiful suede jacket and tickets to see the Lion King, I got the perfume that I have been feening for since I first took a whiff of it, I went on a day trip to shop at my favorite store and spent time with a dear friend and her family, I went out to dinner twice and lunch. My staff at work even gave me a gift. I felt so blessed that people even thought enough of me to bless me in any type of way. People don't have to do anything for you and when they do gratitude is in order.
So, it with gratitude that I go into the remainder of the year and will find ways to bless others as well. I will try to appreciate the very simple things of each day and the simple things of each person I love.
So, it with gratitude that I go into the remainder of the year and will find ways to bless others as well. I will try to appreciate the very simple things of each day and the simple things of each person I love.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Really concentrating on more self-care for myself. At least 10 minutes of exercise a day. More facials and massages. More meditation and relaxation. Hoping to get an mp3 player so that I can put music on it for when I start walking. My sneakers are ready. I am going to get it in. I am more conscious of what I eat and why I eat. Praying for God to be a better me. Every 3 weeks I get my hair washed and a manicure. ( can only do it once a month with this economy).
On Saturday, as a part of my birthday celebration, my two BFF's are having a spa morning of massage and facials and then off to lunch. I am so excited about this. I even scheduled a massage for next wednesday morning which is my actual birthday. I decided, I'll have breakfast and then a nice 60 minutes massage. can't afford a massage or a facial every month but I am going to look into trying to budget it in.
Don't really need to shop that much. I have alot of clothes and I will be giving away clothes, too. Will try to buy things that go with what I already have.
So let's look at ways we can be better to ourselves and lead healthier lives mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
On Saturday, as a part of my birthday celebration, my two BFF's are having a spa morning of massage and facials and then off to lunch. I am so excited about this. I even scheduled a massage for next wednesday morning which is my actual birthday. I decided, I'll have breakfast and then a nice 60 minutes massage. can't afford a massage or a facial every month but I am going to look into trying to budget it in.
Don't really need to shop that much. I have alot of clothes and I will be giving away clothes, too. Will try to buy things that go with what I already have.
So let's look at ways we can be better to ourselves and lead healthier lives mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
My first published article
Good morning,
Last week I spoke about an opportunity I was given to submit an article for Divas For Christ Sister to Sistahs monthly newsletter. It was a last minute request but I was prepared. (Thank You, Christina Staton for having me ready). I was prepared because my article was actually an oral presentation that I never got to present in class for the leadership and public speaking course that I took during the month of January. I assumed that I would use it for our womens' ministry at church. I never guessed that I would actually have it published in a newsletter.
So today, I am feeling blessed and grateful for the opportunity. I love to write. It gives me a joy and peace to share my ideas and to share my thoughts and feelings. So if you would be so kind, please go to divasfor christ.org and check out the February newsletter. My article is at the end. But guess what? The second half of my article will be in the March issue also!! How Great is Our God!! Sing with me, How Great is our God. All will see, how great, how great is our God.
Peace and blessings,
Last week I spoke about an opportunity I was given to submit an article for Divas For Christ Sister to Sistahs monthly newsletter. It was a last minute request but I was prepared. (Thank You, Christina Staton for having me ready). I was prepared because my article was actually an oral presentation that I never got to present in class for the leadership and public speaking course that I took during the month of January. I assumed that I would use it for our womens' ministry at church. I never guessed that I would actually have it published in a newsletter.
So today, I am feeling blessed and grateful for the opportunity. I love to write. It gives me a joy and peace to share my ideas and to share my thoughts and feelings. So if you would be so kind, please go to divasfor christ.org and check out the February newsletter. My article is at the end. But guess what? The second half of my article will be in the March issue also!! How Great is Our God!! Sing with me, How Great is our God. All will see, how great, how great is our God.
Peace and blessings,
Friday, February 11, 2011
Fellowshipping with like believer's
"When a Christian shuns fellowship with other Christians, the devil smiles. When he stops studying the bible, the devil laughs. When the Christian stops praying, the devil shouts for joy." Corrie Ten Boom
Thursday, February 10, 2011
My great hope
"My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return". Maya Angelou
I think I am going to meditate on this one for a while.
I think I am going to meditate on this one for a while.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Image- I challenge you to think about your image today
This excerpt is taken from the V.O.W. series taught by Pastor Christina Staton for Christina Staton Ministries January 10, 17, 24 and 31, 2011. Learned so much from her that I just can't help sharing. Follow her at Empire Christian center(www.empirecc.org) or on facebook as Christina Staton Ministries.
Question of the day:"What image are you projecting to the world today?
"Image is not simply a trademark, a design, a slogan, or an easily remembered picture. It is a studiously crafted personality profile of an individual, corporation, product or service". Daniel T. Boorstin
Image-An impression of something, standard or typical example
Building Your Personal Image
"The best thing you can do for a friend is hold up a mirror".
A. Personal Behavior(Phillippians 1:27)
"Behavior is what a man does, not what he thinks, feels or believes".
You should always be conscious of:
"I dress for the image not for myself, not for the people, not for the fashion, not for men". Marlene Dietrich
You should always be:
"Rhythm is something you either have or don't have, but when you have it, you have it all over" Elvis Presley
A. Your Unique System:Deliberate (1 Corinthians 14:40)
" I must create a sysytem or be enslaved by another man's". William Blake
B. Your Unique Flow:Divine (Acts 17:28)
"I like to see you move with the rhythm, I like to see when you're dancing from within". Bob Marley
C. Your Unique Style: Distinctive (Psalm 139:14)
"Oh, never mind the fashion, when one has a style of one's own, it is always twenty times better". Margaret Oliphant
Question of the day:"What image are you projecting to the world today?
"Image is not simply a trademark, a design, a slogan, or an easily remembered picture. It is a studiously crafted personality profile of an individual, corporation, product or service". Daniel T. Boorstin
Image-An impression of something, standard or typical example
Building Your Personal Image
"The best thing you can do for a friend is hold up a mirror".
A. Personal Behavior(Phillippians 1:27)
"Behavior is what a man does, not what he thinks, feels or believes".
You should always be conscious of:
- Body Language
- Words
- Actions, reactions and responses
"I dress for the image not for myself, not for the people, not for the fashion, not for men". Marlene Dietrich
You should always be:
- Neat and clean
- Appropriate
- Non-offensive
"Rhythm is something you either have or don't have, but when you have it, you have it all over" Elvis Presley
A. Your Unique System:Deliberate (1 Corinthians 14:40)
" I must create a sysytem or be enslaved by another man's". William Blake
B. Your Unique Flow:Divine (Acts 17:28)
"I like to see you move with the rhythm, I like to see when you're dancing from within". Bob Marley
C. Your Unique Style: Distinctive (Psalm 139:14)
"Oh, never mind the fashion, when one has a style of one's own, it is always twenty times better". Margaret Oliphant
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Corrie Ten Boom Quotes
Some inspiration for the week. Enjoy!!
Quotes by Corrie Ten Boom
"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God."
"Hold everyhting in your hands lightly otherwise it hurts when God pries your fingers open".
"If you look at the world you will be distressed, if you look within you will be depressed, if you look at God you will be at rest".
"Forgiveness is an act of will and the will can function regardless of the temperature of the heart".
"What wings are to a bird, and sails to a ship, so is prayer to the soul".
"It is not my ability, but my response to God's ability, that counts".
Trying to do the Lord's work in your own strength is the most confusing, exhausting, and tedious of all work. But when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, then the ministry of Jesus flows out of you".
"Some knowledge is too heavy...you cannot bear it...your Father will carry it until you are able".
"Don't bother to give God instructions; just report for duty".
"Dear Jesus...how foolish of me to have called for human help when You are here".
"You can never learn that Christ is all you need until Christ is all you have".
"There are no if's in God's world. And no places that are safer than other places. The center of His will is our only safety--let us pray that we will always know it".
Quotes by Corrie Ten Boom
"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God."
"Hold everyhting in your hands lightly otherwise it hurts when God pries your fingers open".
"If you look at the world you will be distressed, if you look within you will be depressed, if you look at God you will be at rest".
"Forgiveness is an act of will and the will can function regardless of the temperature of the heart".
"What wings are to a bird, and sails to a ship, so is prayer to the soul".
"It is not my ability, but my response to God's ability, that counts".
Trying to do the Lord's work in your own strength is the most confusing, exhausting, and tedious of all work. But when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, then the ministry of Jesus flows out of you".
"Some knowledge is too heavy...you cannot bear it...your Father will carry it until you are able".
"Don't bother to give God instructions; just report for duty".
"Dear Jesus...how foolish of me to have called for human help when You are here".
"You can never learn that Christ is all you need until Christ is all you have".
"There are no if's in God's world. And no places that are safer than other places. The center of His will is our only safety--let us pray that we will always know it".
Associations: Who You Spend Time With
"People in your life are like escalators. They will either take you down or take you up to a higher level of living, understanding and opportunities". Jewel Diamond Taylor
"You don't need alot of people, just the right people in life to grow". Jewel Diamond Taylor
"You don't need alot of people, just the right people in life to grow". Jewel Diamond Taylor
Monday, February 7, 2011
My blog on personal tendecies caused me to receive a blessed opportunity
I was asked to submit an article forhttp://www.divasforchrist.org/ the DIVAS For Christ Newsletter based upon my blog today. I'm sitting and sharing my personal feelings and personal areas of needed growth and got blessed in the process. I did submit an article and a bio and I am praying that it is in line with what their viewership would read. If not, I can whip another article real quick. LOL I was also told that I may get the opportunity to be featured as one of their Divas of the Month in the future as a playwright. This is so exciting for me and I feel blessed tonight.
Just sharing and not bragging as such. Just taken aback at how God can send blessings your way when you least expect it. I am walking in my gifting. Thank You, Lord.
In harmony,
Just sharing and not bragging as such. Just taken aback at how God can send blessings your way when you least expect it. I am walking in my gifting. Thank You, Lord.
In harmony,
Personal Tendencies
Over hear thinking about my personal tendencies within myself and my personal tendencies as it pertains to others.
I recently finished a course with Christina Staton Ministries and one of the topics that came up on our last night of class was about self-evaluation and identifying our personal limitations which are our personal tendencies. Our personal tendencies can either make us or break us. We can be the cause of our own self-sabotage. I know for my self that my biggest personal tendency within myself is to second guess myself. I have to work on overthinking and over analyzing every decision that I make. I must believe that God has gifted me in certain areas and I must stand strong in that gifting and not question my talents, myself or anyone else to cause me to feel unworthy to succeed in my gifting. God gave me the talent naturally. No formal training whatsoever. So what, if I did not attend drama school or acting classes or writing classes or directing classes? I need to go with what I do have: The ability to tell a story, the ability to make people think and laugh; the holy spirit guiding me, a degree in psychology,( I know and understand people), a career in human services, life experiences, compassion, a caring spirit,I am a good friend, trustworthiness, a loving heart, spirit of forgiveness, the undying love of my God.
As far as my personal tendencies towards others, I'm working on that, too. I want to open up my heart and just love with abandon. But saying out loud that I love somebody has made me anxious and uptight. I want to shut down my feelings and just make like it never happened. That's my personal tendency as it pertains to others. I don't want to be hurt again. I had a bad and painful divorce. I don't want to feel that type of pain again. But I also know know that you have to feel the fear and do it anyway and to have great love or great achievement in life involves great risk. So I am a work in progress. But my ultimate goal is: "To Live the Life I Read About". Alright, God. I'm gonna need some help.
In harmony,
I recently finished a course with Christina Staton Ministries and one of the topics that came up on our last night of class was about self-evaluation and identifying our personal limitations which are our personal tendencies. Our personal tendencies can either make us or break us. We can be the cause of our own self-sabotage. I know for my self that my biggest personal tendency within myself is to second guess myself. I have to work on overthinking and over analyzing every decision that I make. I must believe that God has gifted me in certain areas and I must stand strong in that gifting and not question my talents, myself or anyone else to cause me to feel unworthy to succeed in my gifting. God gave me the talent naturally. No formal training whatsoever. So what, if I did not attend drama school or acting classes or writing classes or directing classes? I need to go with what I do have: The ability to tell a story, the ability to make people think and laugh; the holy spirit guiding me, a degree in psychology,( I know and understand people), a career in human services, life experiences, compassion, a caring spirit,I am a good friend, trustworthiness, a loving heart, spirit of forgiveness, the undying love of my God.
As far as my personal tendencies towards others, I'm working on that, too. I want to open up my heart and just love with abandon. But saying out loud that I love somebody has made me anxious and uptight. I want to shut down my feelings and just make like it never happened. That's my personal tendency as it pertains to others. I don't want to be hurt again. I had a bad and painful divorce. I don't want to feel that type of pain again. But I also know know that you have to feel the fear and do it anyway and to have great love or great achievement in life involves great risk. So I am a work in progress. But my ultimate goal is: "To Live the Life I Read About". Alright, God. I'm gonna need some help.
In harmony,
Monday, January 31, 2011
Reading of my new play
On Saturday, January 29, 2011, I hosted a reading of my new play, "Does Your House Have Lions"? at the Delaware Avenue Branch of the Albany Public Library. Two people attended and gave me great feedback. Both thought it was well written with a myriad of nuances throughout the dialogue. The characters of Allyson and Michael were discussed in length. Both agreed that Allyson's backround story set the stage for understanding her character's behavior throughout the reaminder of the play and the decisions that she untimately makes. Both agreed that they wanted to know more about the Michael Taylor character. There will be a spin off play about this character and what happens to him after 10 years. The new play will be called, So You Call Yourself "A Man of God'?
That's all for now. I'll holla back at another time.
In harmony,
That's all for now. I'll holla back at another time.
In harmony,
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I almost forgot
Yesterday, I had someone do an inpromptu reading of the first Act of my new play, "Does Your House Have Lions". The individual found the story content to be quite fascinating and believable. he was caucasian and didn't know It was written by and african-american person until I used the term "baby mama". I found this hilarious. I hear many causcasian people using the term themsleves. Didn't Tina Fey and Amy Poehler make a movie called, "Baby Mama"? I'm just saying. ROFL and SMH
But I appreciate his honesty and his willingness to take time out of his day to read my play. All in all it was a learning experience for me.
In harmony,
But I appreciate his honesty and his willingness to take time out of his day to read my play. All in all it was a learning experience for me.
In harmony,
Feeling tired today; Didn't sleep well
I am sleepy. Had a rough night. I was up and down all night. I wanted so bad to go back to sleep. I had so many thoughts going through my mind. My fears, insecurities and doubts had me up. I just kept asking for God to turn the tapes and videos off in my mind. The battlefield that was going on in my mind and it felt like it would never end. If anybody knows me I value my sleep a great deal. I don't do well without a certain amount of rest. Just praying that God will contunue to shine His light on me and to show me my worth, my value and all that I have to offer. I am enough. I am significant. I am special. I am blessed. I am beautiful. I am worthy of love and worthy of someone who will love me back. I am a Queen. I am the daughter of the Most High God. Thank you for loving me Lord when it seems that no one else does.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The weather
It's been extremely cold here in Albany. Yesterday it was -14 degrees when I woke up. Today it's supposed to be 22 degrees. Praying the weather will let up and won't interrupt with the scheduled reading of my play on Saturday, January 29th.
I have been taking a public speaking course through Christina Staton Ministries on Monday evenings for the month of January and it has been a very rewarding experience. Next Monday is the last class and also the end of the oral presentations. My desire is to be a better motivational/public speaker as well as a playwright, author and woman of God. But today I am a little tired. Had meetings back to back last night and today I have another meeting and praise team rehearsal. Pray my strength in the Lord!!
In harmony,
I have been taking a public speaking course through Christina Staton Ministries on Monday evenings for the month of January and it has been a very rewarding experience. Next Monday is the last class and also the end of the oral presentations. My desire is to be a better motivational/public speaker as well as a playwright, author and woman of God. But today I am a little tired. Had meetings back to back last night and today I have another meeting and praise team rehearsal. Pray my strength in the Lord!!
In harmony,
Monday, January 24, 2011
Peyton J. Harrison Productions
This is the blogspot for Peyton J. Harrison Productions. I will be hosting a reading of my new play, "Does Your House Have Lions" on this Saturday, January 29, 2011 from 1:30-4:30pm. I hope to start casting for my new play soon and a date will be announced. There are 8 female parts and 5 male parts in this new production. I am excited about this new venture and I look forward to meeting new people and establishing new relationships.
In Harmony,
In Harmony,
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