Monday, March 21, 2011

Maya Angelou on Love

"I am grateful to have been loved,
to be loved now
and to be able to love. 
Because love liberates. 
It doesn't just hold- that's ego. 
Love liberates. 
It doesn't bind. 
I love you, if you are in China,
I love you, if you are across town,
I love you, if you are in Harlem.
I love you. 
I would love to be near you,
I'd love to have your arms around me,
I'd love to have your voice in my ear but that's not possible now.
But I love you.  Go".

Friday, March 18, 2011

Another Peyton J. Harrison Production 
 "Does Your House Have Lions"? October 2011
Sweet Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church
2-4 Clinton Avenue(Reverend Willis F. Bruton Square)
Albany, New York 12210
Reverend Elgin Joseph Taylor, Sr. Pastor

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I met with my Pastor last week and I have been given a time to perform my play.  He said early October.  So I am looking at the dates September 30, and October 1, 2011 and October 7, and 8, 2011.  I was contemplating finding a theater to perform the new play and decided against it for now.  I believe that I will try to do a 2 day event for the play instead of one night and to see how that goes over.  If it goes well, then I will try a theater for my next play.  The best part is that my Pastor is behind me 100% and I believe I need his support and covering at this time.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sister-to-Sister Women's Ministry@Sweet Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church

Save the Date!!
The Sister-to-Sister Women’s Ministry presents:
Girls Night In/PMS:
Pizza, Movie and Sharing
Friday, April 15, 2011@ 6:00pm

Reverend Elgin Joseph Taylor, Sr., Pastor
Sweet Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church